Not New, Overdue

While the internet and digital technologies may have not delivered the democratic transparency that early advocates so strongly hoped for, it has succeeded in creating an environment where organisations are held to account in ways never before.

In our rapid and increasing uncertain business environment, the integration of brand management and reputation building is not just a novel concept—it's a long-overdue necessity. For years, academic leaders have emphasised the critical link between these two pillars of corporate identity, yet many organisations still treat them as separate entities.

It's time to bridge this gap and embrace a more holistic approach.

The synergy of brand and reputation

The symbiotic relationship between brand and reputation has been recognised for decades. Charles Fombrun, a pioneer in this field, argued that a strong corporate brand enhances reputation, while a positive reputation reinforces brand equity (Fombrun 1996). Building on this foundational work, recent research has further underscored its importance. A study by Foroudi (2019) demonstrated that brand reputation significantly influences overall brand performance, particularly in the hospitality industry. This research reinforces Fombrun's earlier insights, showing the enduring relevance of integrating brand and reputation management.

A holistic vision of corporate identity

The concept of "corporate branding" continues to evolve, with recent studies emphasizing the need for integration. Iglesias et al. (2020) explored how corporate brand identity is co-created in business-to-business contexts, highlighting the importance of aligning internal culture, external stakeholder perceptions, and strategic vision. This holistic approach is not just beneficial—it's essential for creating a coherent and powerful corporate image in today's interconnected business landscape.

The multifaceted nature of corporate identity

Recent research has further illuminated the interconnected nature of brand communication, reputation management, and stakeholder relationships. A systematic literature review by Gain et al. (2024) on corporate reputation in Industry 4.0 revealed the growing importance of integrating these elements in the digital age. Their work highlights the need for a unified strategy that addresses the complexities of modern corporate identity management.

Customer perceptions as the cornerstone

The importance of customer perceptions in building brand equity remains paramount. Dwivedi et al. (2019) expanded on this concept, examining how emotional attachment to social media brands affects brand equity. Their findings underscore the critical role of digital platforms in shaping brand perceptions and reputation.

The power of authentic expression

The concept of authentic communication has gained renewed focus in recent years. Greyser and Urde (2019) provided insights into how organizations can authentically express their identity and values in the modern business environment. Their work emphasizes the importance of consistent and genuine communication in building strong brands and positive reputations.

SO WHAT? Implications for modern corporate strategy

The integration of brand and reputation management has significant implications:

  1. Unified Approach: Organisations must view brand and reputation as interconnected aspects of corporate strategy.

  2. Comprehensive Stakeholder Focus: Companies need to consider all stakeholder perspectives, not just those of customers and especially to understand what they aren’t talking openly about in relation to their wants, needs and fears.

  3. Consistent Messaging: Ensuring coherent communication across all touchpoints is crucial.

  4. Cultural Alignment: Aligning organisational culture with brand values and reputation goals is essential for authenticity.

At Stake we believe that the integration of brand and reputation management is not a new concept, but its implementation is overdue. By adopting a holistic approach that aligns brand building with reputation management, organisations can create stronger, more resilient identities that resonate with stakeholders and drive long-term success.

It's time for companies to recognise the urgency of this integration. Those who embrace this approach will be better positioned to thrive in an increasingly complex and transparent business landscape. The academic community has laid the groundwork—now it's up to corporate leaders to turn these insights into action.


Dwivedi, A., Johnson, L.W., Wilkie, D.C. and De Araujo-Gil, L., 2019. Consumer emotional brand attachment with social media brands and social media brand equity. European Journal of Marketing, 53(6), pp.1176-1204.

Fombrun, C.J., 1996. Reputation: Realizing value from the corporate image. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

Foroudi, P., 2019. Influence of brand signature, brand awareness, brand attitude, brand reputation on hotel industry's brand performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, pp.271-285.

Gain, A.K., Chowdhury, M.S.R. and Hoque, M.R., 2024. Corporate Reputation in Industry 4.0: A Systematic Literature Review. SAGE Open, 14(1), p.21582440231200951.

Greyser, S.A. and Urde, M., 2019. What does your corporate brand stand for?. Harvard Business Review, 97(1), pp.80-88.

Iglesias, O., Landgraf, P., Ind, N., Markovic, S. and Koporcic, N., 2020. Corporate brand identity co-creation in business-to-business contexts. Industrial Marketing Management, 85, pp.32-43.


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